Graduate theses/projects


Papers published


Citations (h-index 25)






Funded project PI/Co-PI/CoI





Total funds (see more..)


Current graduate students


Best paper/poster awards


Publications this year


Citations in 2024




Conference/journal committee


Student with awards

Interview for Red Hat Research 2022

From Brno to Waco: On cross-cultural exchange, microservice evolution, and quality assurance.

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Tool demo

MicroProspect: Visualizing Microservice System Architecture Evolution and Anti-patterns at ECSA 2023

by Huizinga, Chy, Harris, et al.

Manuscript (100+ pages)

Catalog and detection techniques of microservice anti-patterns and bad smells: A tertiary study
at Journal of Systems and Software

by Tomas Cerny, Amr S. Abdelfattah, Abdullah Al Maruf, Andrea Janes, Davide Taibi

About Me

Personal Details

After earning an Engineer and Masters's degrees from the Czech Technical University, FEE, and from Baylor University, he has served as an Assistant professor at the Science and Computer Department at the Czech Technical University, FEE, since 2009. Soon after earning a Doctoral degree in 2016, he returned to Baylor University to join the Computer Science department. He was tenured in 2023 at Baylor and moved as Associate Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering at the University of Arizona. His research focus is Software Engineering, Static Analysis, and Cloud-computing applications.

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Cloud-native system analysis

Cloud-native system analysis

We look into cloud-native system analysis meant to reconstruct software architecture. Since each microservices can reside in self-contained codebase, we analyze each and combine the intermediate results. Our tool Prophet does it for Java and Prophet 2 is more universal.

Current students: Amr ElSayed, Abdullah Maruf, Rofiqul Islam, Rokin Maharjan, Md Rahaman

Past students: Dipta Das, Vincent Bushong, Jan Svacina

“Developing a prophet tool for cloud-native system static analysis”

Decentralized system visualization

Decentralized system visualization

Many others follow conventional system visualization, like UML, or ArchiMate; we seek 3D representation for architectural views of the overall system, we experiemnted with augmented reality as showed here:

Students: Vincent Bushong, Amr ElSayed

“Large Microservice-based cloud systems are decentralized, we want to see the system-centric perspective to reason about the system”

End-to-end testing of cloud apps

End-to-end testing of cloud apps

With greatly decentralized system, tests see only assume what is flow exists under the lid. We perform analysis of flows and tests to pair them.

Current and formal students: Michal Trnka, Filip Rysavy, Vladyslav Gorbunov

“Smart environments need smart solutions to integrate context-awareness for automation or augmented use experience”


Code Analysis

Code Analysis

System codebase contains a lot of information that can reveal broad details about it. We analyze systems to find errors, improve tests or security, we challenge current gaps like decentralization and language specificity

Current students: Micah Schiewe, Jacob Curtis, Amr ElSayed

Current Bachelor students: Andrew Walker, Ian Laird, Jan Svacina, Jonathan Simmons, Dipta Das, Denton Woods

“Have you ever debugged program for hours to find an error? code analysis can locate the issue in a range of second.. but in current tools there are broad limits which we try to address, such as decentralization, and language specificity“

Natural-language processing in scientific documents / system policies

Natural-language processing in scientific documents / system policies

Extensive size of documents and material in natural language makes it difficult for individuals to assess compliance, knowledge and consistency

Students:Ernesto Caballero

“Automating knowledge extraction and reasoning in natural texts”

Secure Enterprise Application Design

Secure Enterprise Application Design

What is the right software design approach to build safe system; can we reduce vulnerabilities? Robust static and dynamic analysis can help

Current and formal students: Micah Schiewe, Jacob Curtis, Md Rahaman, Andrew Walker, Dipta Das, Michal Trnka, Filip Sedlinsky

“Enterprise systems have a lot of security concerns, static analysis has a lot to offer”

  • Selected
  • Static Analysis
  • Security
  • Software Design
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming
  • User Interface
  • All
Best Paper Award

at International Conference on Artificial Intelligence at CSCE 2024 for
Detecting Hallucinations in Large Language Model Generation: A Token Probability Approach

by Ernesto Quevedo, Jorge Yero Salazar, Rachel Koerner, Pablo Rivas, Tomas Cerny

Best Paper Award

at Microservices 2023 for
ChatGPT for Microservice Development: How far can we go?

by Lauren Adams; Francis Boyle; Patrick Boyle; Dario Amoroso D'Aragona; Tomas Cerny; Davide Taibi

Best Tool Award

at Microservices 2022 for
Static analysis tools in the era of cloud-native systems

by Tomas Cerny; Davide Taibi

Best Paper Award

at IEEE SOSE 2022 for
Monolith to Microservices: VAE-Based GNN Approach with Duplication Consideration

by Korn Sooksatra, Rokin Maharjan, Tomas Cerny

Best Industrial Paper Award

at Closer 2022 for
Semantic Code Clone Detection Method for Distributed Enterprise Systems

by Jan Svacina, Vincent Bushong, Dipta Das and Tomas Cerny

Best Presentation Award

at Microservices 2022 for
Static analysis tools in the era of cloud-native systems

by Tomas Cerny; Davide Taibi

2nd Best Paper Award

at LXNLP 2022 for
Study of Question Answering on Legal Software Document using BERT based models

by Ernesto Quevedo Caballero, Mushfika Sharmin Rahman, Tomas Cerny, Pablo Rivas, Gissella Bejarano

SFWE 302 - Software Architecture and Design

Spring 2024

  • Java SE
  • Basic UML modeling
  • Object-oriented design
  • Architectural Styles

SFWE 513 - Software Engineering Research Methods

Fall 2024

  • Research Methodology
  • Systematic Literature Review

SFWE 405/505 - Software Architecture and Design

Spring 2025

  • Java EE
  • Advanced UML modeling
  • Design patterns
  • Architectural Styles
  • 3-layered Architecture

SFWE 410/510 - Cloud Native Software Engineering

Fall 2025?

  • Java EE
  • Spring Cloud
  • Factor 12
  • Resilience
  • SSO, ELK, Tracing, DevOps

SFWE 392/492 - Directed Research


  • Special Research Topics

SFWE 910/920 – Master’s Thesis/Dissertation Research


  • Research topics
  • Advising
  • Publication

Latest posts

February 6, 2021
Our research group presenting

Keynote at DevConf.CZ 2021

DefConf, Red Hat developer conference, Online!
Prophet: On holistic analysis of microservice applications - DevConf.CZ 2021

Summer 2019

First week becoming researcher in Prague

Research on testing automation and quality assurance at the CTU in Prague

Summer 2019 NSF IRES project half through

Fifth week becoming researcher in Brno

Research on testing automation and quality assurance at Red Hat, Brno.

Summer 2019 NSF IRES project almost through

Project presentations

Research on testing automation and quality assurance at Red Hat, Brno.

Mar 12, 2013

Introduction to AspectFaces

DefConf, Red Hat developer conference, Brno.

20th Feb, 2014

Separation of Concerns in User Interface

DefConf, Red Hat developer conference, Brno.